Therapy & Active Preventive Healthcare Residential treatment programs at Kurzentrum Bad Hofgastein

Gastein, in Salzburg province, is widely known as a region that offers unique opportunities for therapy. Its long tradition as a health destination, its thermal springs with curative properties and modern therapy programs represent the perfect blend for effective visits focused on improving health. And as an added bonus, the mountain world of the Hohe Tauern affords endless opportunities for outdoor exercise in healthy air and unique nature.

At the Alpentherme Gastein Health Center, you find everything under one roof: the famous Gastein Thermal Cure, spacious and pleasant therapy facilities, modern therapy and analysis methods, a competent team of physicians, therapists and sports scientists – topped off by a direction connection with the spa resort and sauna worlds of the Alpentherme.

Your Hosts

For the course of your therapy or preventive healthcare program at Alpentherme Gastein, you will be staying at the hotel "das GXUND". For private stays, we also recommend our Premium and Service Partners who offer different categories of accommodation. Enjoy your health-focused holiday at your host establishment, while we take care of your health with extremely effective therapies.

visit "das GXUND"

Your health-focused getaway awaits!

Whether for a few relaxing hours at the weekend or a long holiday dedicated to your health: Therapies at Kurzentrum Bad Hofgastein are a good investment in your health and an absolute blessing in the midst of an otherwise stressful lifestyle.

Gesundheitszentrum Arztggespraech | © SalzburgerLand Tourismus/Marktl

Have questions?

If you have questions about your health-focused holiday or already wish to set up your therapy appointments, our therapy scheduling team will be happy to assist. 

Contact us


Radon Thermal Water

The central curative used in treatment is thermal water with naturally elevated levels of radon, which, when used in low doses, reduces inflammation and alleviates pain. It mobilizes the body's own immune responses and gives the body the jump-start it needs.

more about Gastein Thermal Water

For whom is a health stay in Gastein most suited?

The stressful, hectic nature of our daily routine as well as the lifestyle so typical of our modern world may well lead to health problems such as pain, sleeplessness and loss of appetite, which in turn negatively impacts our enjoyment of life and our overall sense of wellbeing. A "Thermal Cure" strengthens the immune system and is a highly effective means of combatting the following conditions:

  • Inflammatory or degenerative joint disorders (ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis etc.)
  • Wear and tear of the spine and joints 
  • Disk problems
  • Osteoporosis-related complaints 
  • Muscular or soft-tissue pain 
  • Consequences of sports injury and accident trauma 
  • Chronic pain conditions (fibromyalgia, polyneuropathy etc.)
  • Susceptibility to infection
  • Respiratory problems (asthma, chronic bronchitis etc.)
  • Skin problems (psoriasis, neurodermatitis etc.)
  • General regeneration and strengthening of the immune system


Gesundheitszentrum Therapeut und Patientin | © Alpentherme Gastein/Paul Bauer

Wide Range of Therapies

Aside from radon therapy, a broad selection of other therapies are also possible at our Health Center in Bad Hofgastein:
•    Physiotherapy
•    Mud therapy
•    Electrotherapy
•    Massages
•    Nutrition counseling
•    Psychology
•    Sports medicine  
•    Dialysis


See all therapies

Health Stays including Dialysis

Thanks to the dialysis station in the Health Center at the Alpentherme, health- and therapy-focused stays in Bad Hofgastein are also possible for dialysis patients. Dr. Wdowiak and team will be happy to provide you with the personal support you need.

Dialysis in Bad Hofgastein
Relax World Panoramaaufnahme Indoor | © Alpentherme Gastein/Caputo

Therapy & Spa Resort

During your health stay, also enjoy the marvelous worlds of Alpentherme Gastein

Spa Resort & Sauna

Frequently asked questions

Who covers the costs of my health or therapy stay?

If your therapy application is approved, your health-insurance provider may cover most of the costs. Potentially, you might have to pay a deductible. For further details, please consult the website of your insurance provider.

What therapies may be covered under health-insurance plans?

Here you will find a full listing of our therapy offers.

May my partner accompany me when I am on a therapy program?

Naturally. If s/he also wishes to participate in an insurance-financed therapy program, s/he will also need to get approval from their own insurance provider. We are also happy to offer you a customized health package for your companion if the insurance provider does not cover them. Our therapy department will be happy to advise you about your different options!

I have heard that radon therapy may cause cancer. Is that true?

There is not a single proven case of cancer being caused by radon in therapeutic doses. In fact, some studies (Cohen, USA) suggest this kind of low-dosage exposure might even afford some level of protection against cancer.

How can I improve my therapy success?
  • allow plenty of time for your treatments
  • strictly adhere to scheduled rest and quiet periods
  • don’t overly stress yourself physically on the side – strolls, relaxed walks, cycling are permitted
  • drink plenty of fluids
What is a bathing rash and how can it be prevented?

Due to the frequent water treatments, your skin will be more inclined to dry out, plus the skin is stimulated both mechanically and thermically in the course of treatments. It is important to treat your skin regularly, up to 3 times a day, with moisturizing skin creams and body milks.

Does the Alpentherme have thermal water with an elevated radon content?

The pools of Alpentherme Gastein are filled with thermal water from which the radon has been removed.

Why do I need to be examined by a Gastein spa physician prior to radon treatment, even though I have a prescription from my own doctor?
  • Only a local physician knows and has specific experience with the radon-specific characteristics of our thermal water
  • Provincial law requires a medical examination by a Gastein spa physician
  • Furthermore, you may physically respond quite differently at your therapy destination than at home
Is there also cold radon in Gastein?


What’s the best time of year for treatment or preventive programs?

For the most part, it really doesn’t matter when you come here for therapy. Many patients like to come here in the autumn so that they will be better able to deal with their rheumatic symptoms once it turns cold.

Do I have a right to insurance-financed preventive health care, therapy programs or rehabilitation?

No, you do not have an automatic right to insurance-financed therapy or preventive care. This is determined by the insurance provider in question. Contact your personal insurance provider for further assistance.

What is therapy reaction?

During a therapy program, we frequently observe that symptoms take a temporary turn for the worse.

General adverse reactions may include:

  • Sleeplessness, increased need for sleep, restless sleep, fatigue
  • Inner agitation, irritability, headache
  • Abdominal complaints such as queasiness, indigestion, flatulence
  • Heart palpitations, cardiovascular problems, dizziness
  • Tingling in the limbs, muscle tension and muscle aches & pains
  • Chronic dental problems may become acute
  • During motion therapy, complaints due to muscle tension may become more pronounced, though pain should not be a factor.
What natural therapeutics are used in Gastein?
  • thermal water containing radon
  • elevated radon levels in the air of the Gastein Thermal Gallery
What is offered in the Health Center?

Since May 2021, Kurzentrum Bad Hofgastein has been known as "Alpentherme Gastein Health Center". As part of a therapy stay in Salzburg or a complete health-focused holiday, you can combat an array of health problems and improve your general wellbeing. For further information on our therapy and health offers, please read more about the Alpentherme Gastein Gesundheitszentrum.

Does the Alpentherme also offer gift vouchers?

Gift vouchers are available from our Online Shop. You can also order them by phoning 06432/8293-0 or purchase them in person at the Alpentherme Gastein ticket desk.

What complaints can be treated successfully?

Here you can find a list of medical indications.

When should I not participate in thermal radon therapy?

If you are suffering from any kind of acute severe disease. Be particular cautious if you are suffering from severe heart disease, lung disease, mania, psychosis. There are no restrictions which are specific to Gastein.

How long does a residential health program typically last?

If you are manifesting a physical complaint, your residential period will generally be 3-4 weeks. For milder issues or prevention, good successes can usually be achieved with fewer treatments.

Where do I go to apply for an insurance-funded health or therapy program?

To your G.P. or a medical specialist.

What is GVA?

GVA is a holistic, modular therapy program intended to aid in the treatment of diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system. For further information, read more about the Alpentherme Gastein Health Center.

What things should I be aware of during my stay?
  • allow plenty of time for your treatments
  • stick to the scheduled quiet times  
  • moderation in all things, avoid hectic activities
  • get plenty of sleep
  • drink a lot (water, tea)
  • give yourself intensive skin care with remoisturizing lotions
How often can I participate in a 3-week insurance-funded health or therapy program?

Normally twice every 5 years.

Do insurance companies cover treatments for osteoporosis?

They may indeed, since the benefits of radon therapy include pain alleviation. Of course, you will need to keep taking the medications which you have been prescribed and continue to do your osteoporosis exercises. Lymphatic drainage has also proven effective in the form of gentle massage.

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You can sign up right here.: Sign up for our newsletter