IHHT Cellular Training Oxygen training for your vibrant cellular health

Discover an innovative form of altitude training without having to climb a mountain – Intermittent Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Therapy (IHHT). This oxygen therapy uses cellular training to improve your cell metabolism and regeneration, thus sustaining your health and performance in the long term.

Altitude training for healthy mitochondria  

Our body consists of about 80 trillion cells, each with its own tiny "power plants" – the mitochondria. These provide the energy our body needs daily. Due to various factors such as medication, stress, environmental pollutants, unhealthy diet, or sleep disorders, mitochondria lose their efficiency, leading to energy deficiency in daily life. Altitude training promotes the regeneration and self-healing of our mitochondria, initiating processes in the body that strengthen and assure energy production.

How does IHHT work?  

The cellular training is conducted comfortably lying down with a breathing mask that alternates between delivering oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich air. This alternation destroys worn-out "old" mitochondria and promotes the proliferation of healthy, physiologically "younger" mitochondria.
Furthermore, this therapy is free of side effects and completely painless!

What are the benefits of cellular training?

  • More cellular energy
  • Improved circulation
  • Enhanced sleep quality
  • Shorter recovery times
  • Enhanced recovery capability
  • Increased stress resistance
  • Balanced hormone production
  • Improved performance (physical & mental)
  • Enhanced metabolic activity
  • Support for weight loss
  • Balanced autonomic nervous system

Who is IHHT cell training suitable for?

  • Best Agers
  • Endurance, strength, and high-performance athletes
  • Fitness beginners
  • Overweight individuals
  • Long-COVID syndrome patients
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Support for COPD, CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), heart failure, Lyme disease, Type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and more.
IHHT Zelltraining | © Bart van de Voort Photography

IHHT Packages

IHHT Starter Package:
Medical Consultation and 4 Sessions (45 minutes each)

IHHT Follow-up Package:
5 + 1 Session free (45 minutes each)

IHHT Intensive Package:
Medical Consultation and 13 + 2 Sessions free (45 minutes each)








from 260,00 €


What is IHHT?

IHHT is, in simplified terms, a medical advancement of altitude training. Behind the abbreviation lies the term Intermittent Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Therapy. The patient alternates between inhaling oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich air (hypoxic and hyperoxic phases). The fundamental difference from altitude training lies in the repeated alternation of these two phases. The body reacts to this combination of hypoxic and hyperoxic stimuli on a cellular level, which is the focus of IHHT. Consequently, this therapy is also referred to as cellular training.

What happens inside the body?

To be in top physical and mental shape, our body needs energy. Mitochondria in our cells are responsible for energy production. This production is also referred to as cellular respiration or inner respiration. Mitochondria convert "nutrient energy" (energy from carbohydrates and fats consumed) into a form of energy that the cell can utilize. This conversion is achieved through a redox reaction using oxygen. Among other things, ATP is produced in this molecule, which stores the energy obtained from the redox reaction. This stored energy is subsequently available to the body.

What symptoms indicate mitochondrial underperformance?

Those who do not move enough or have a poor diet generally have fewer active mitochondria in their cells. Consequently, their level of performance is reduced, and they have less energy available compared to a healthy state. Fatigue, lethargy, exhaustion, and concentration problems are the consequences. In the medium or long term, migraines, diabetes, circulatory disorders, or skin diseases may develop. Even psychological and dementia diseases are attributed to mitochondrial dysfunction. These medical conditions are encapsulated in mitochondrial medicine under the term "Mitochondriopathy." Scientific knowledge suggests that almost all chronic diseases are associated with mitochondrial damage.

How well have these connections been researched?

How well have these connections been researched?

Can I begin IHHT right away?

No. An IHHT session at our health center actually begins with a comprehensive preliminary consultation, including a detailed medical history, conducted by one of our doctors. Medical advice and therapy support are essential, especially in the case of pre-existing or chronic illnesses. 


How does individual IHHT treatment proceed?

First, the training parameters are set, such as the oxygen dosages in the air which is breathed. Then, the oxygen content in your blood and your pulse are measured using a pulse oximeter (finger clip). Finally, you put on the breathing mask. The actual training takes place comfortably while lying down. Various oxygen concentrations of alternating hypoxia and hyperoxia phases are inhaled in a relaxed manner. The pulse and blood oxygen saturation are measured throughout the entire session using the finger clip. Accompanying measurement of heart rate fluctuations indicates how well the body is able to compensate for the training and reduce stress.

How long does an IHHT session last?

On average, a treatment session lasts about 45 minutes.

Is IHHT treatment strenuous?

No. However, even though the therapy does not feel strenuous, it still involves intensive training for the body and cells.

Are there any side effects of IHHT treatment?

There are no known side effects. In isolated cases, there may be slight headaches after a treatment, which usually disappear the following day, especially after intense training sessions. Slight fatigue is also possible, depending on individual fitness levels.

How many IHHT sessions do I need?

There is no "one" answer to this. IHHT is used both therapeutically and preventively. In a therapeutic approach, the number of sessions is determined individually, depending on the patient's initial situation. For example, a "hypoxia course" typically consists of 20 to 40 treatments within three to four months, which equates to two to three treatment sessions weekly. After a several-month break, it can be repeated or continued with individual maintenance training. Depending on the personal situation, an introductory course of 10 to 20 treatment sessions can be a good basis from which to achieve sustainable improvement over 3-6 months. Initial effects can be felt after just 3-4 sessions.
Preventively, IHHT lends itself to regular sessions that permanently improve physical and mental performance. One to two treatment sessions weekly are usually sufficient for this purpose.

How long does the effect of IHHT last?

Generally, one can expect the effect to last from three to five months. Other factors such as diet, physical activity, or ongoing breathing exercises are important for long-lasting benefits.
Ideally, you should try to integrate regular IHHT into your daily routine to benefit sustainably or preventively from the various advantages.

When should IHHT be avoided?
  • In the event of acute infections
  • In the event of acute headaches
  • Heart attack
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Stroke
  • Acute heart or kidney failure
  • Severe acute illnesses
  • Pregnancy in the first trimester
How much does oxygen therapy cost?

IHHT is a supplemental medical service that is not paid for by statutory health insurance. Please inquire with your private health insurance provider in advance to see if the costs are covered by them. 

Gesundheitszentrum Therapie-Einteilung Terminvergabe | © Alpentherme Gastein/Caputo

Do you have any additional questions?

If you have any questions about the therapy we offer or if you would like to go ahead and make an appointment immediately, our therapy-scheduling team is happy to assist. 

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