The performance test, also known as a step test, is a comprehensive medical analysis of your current physical condition. It shows how fit your body is, how much exercise your body can cope with, and thus serves as the basis for planning and managing your training program, no matter whether you do sports as a hobby or professionally.
What happens during the performance test
After a discussion about your medical history and an EKG at rest, the actual step test will begin. This will be conducted either on a treadmill or exercise bike. It is one of the most important instruments for measuring your endurance capacity. The performance test begins at a low intensity which increases step by step. At the end of each step, the sports scientist measures your heartrate and lactate concentration. In order to do so, a drop of blood is taken from your earlobe and analyzed. The test ends when you have reached your maximum intensity.
Afterwards, your blood samples are compared with the heartrate, intensity and duration stats. A so-called lactate performance curve is generated which shows the intensity of exercise your body is able to handle at the aerobic and anaerobic thresholds.
At the end of the test, you will receive a written evaluation from our sports scientists that also includes training recommendations.